Table of contents

Awards & Scholarships


  • SSIS-17 Best PhD pitch award: second place.
  • ILP-17 Award: Most promising late-breaking student paper.
  • Best project award” of the Computer Graphics course at EPFL with the project Gribouillage and Particles, fall 2012.


  • IWT PhD Fellowship from 1 January 2015 to 31 December 2018 .
  • AAAI-18 scholarship.
  • UAI-17 scholarship.
  • WiML-16 travel scholarship.
  • NIPS-15 student travel scholarship.
  • WiML-15 travel scholarship.
  • VLIR-UOS scholarship for a development-aid-related internship in Ecuador in July to September 2013.

Community Service

Mentoring Young Computer Scientists

Ladies@Science from KU Leuven gives the opportunity to high school girls to sample science studies and research for an afternoon. I have been a project leader for the workshops of 2017 and 2018.
Innovation Lab
Innovation Lab from KU Leuven designs science projects that high school teachers can organize in their classroom. I was involved in the artificial intelligence project in which the students build a poker bot.
Summer School Project Leader
The Summer School of Science (S3) is an international summer school students of ninth and tenth grade where they work on a science project in a group of 4 students. I designed and led the speech recognition project of 2015.
CoderDojo Coach
CoderDojo is a global movement of free coding clubs for young people. I was a Scratch coach in the Belgian division in 2014-2016.
At KinderUniversiteit (Childrens’ University) 8-13 year olds get to go to university for one day where they attend lectures and workshops. In 2015 I was twice a mentor of a workshop where they used Scratch on a Raspberry Pi.



Work Experience

on Artificial Intelligence in DTAI lab at KU Leuven.
2019-2020    Machine Learning Researcher
for Expressive Speech Synthesis at Acapela group.
on Learning Tractable Probabilistic Models and Learning from Positive and Unlabeled Data at KU Leuven (DTAI).


on Learning Tractable Probabilistic Models and Learning from Positive and Unlabeled Data at KU Leuven (DTAI).
PhD Fellowship from IWT.
2012-2014Master in Computer Science at KU Leuven
Graduated summa cum laude, best student of 2014.
Master Thesis: “Learning Markov Random Fields with Tractable Representations.” Supervised by Prof. Jesse Davis and Guy Van den Broeck
Jul-Sept 2013 Internship in Ecuador
I implemented a prototype of a decision support system for preventive cultural heritage conservation. This was part of the VlirCPM project at Architecture faculty of the Universidad de Cuenca in Ecuador.
Fall 2012     Exchange Semester at EPFL
Average grade: 5.5/6
2009-2012Bachelor in Engineering: Computer Science and Electronics at KU Leuven
Computer Science average: 85%
Electronics average: 75%
2008-2009Exchange year in Ecuador with YFU
I did a supplementary year of high school in Latacunga, Ecuador. I lived there with a local family. This way, I learned Spanish and discovered the Ecuadorian culture.
2002-2008Secondary school: Mathematics/Science
Sint-Albertus College, Heverlee
  • Student Representative
  • Member of Environmental Group
  • Founding member of freshmen mentoring program